Sunday, December 5, 2010

More Wreaths as Promised

Whew!  I've gotten more wreaths finished and they will be in my here at 3pm EST today!!


  1. First, your wreaths are wonderful eye candy as we all know.
    Second, I can't believe you find this much vintage material.
    Third, I'm glad you do this because I don't know if I'd be able to, fear of altering anything vintage....gotta let that go, huh?? LOL

  2. Oh my goodness! Your wreaths are stunningly beautiful!

  3. So beautiful...I just love the pink one...wished I had the money to buy it...

  4. I absolutely adore your wreaths. They are more than wonderful. Just discovered you through BeachBungalow8. Pruxxx P.S. If you have a moment, stop by my blog. Px

  5. Oh My! These are about the sweetest eye candy I have ever seen! They are so fabulous! Just gorgeous! :-)


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