Friday, September 28, 2012

A Cute LIttle Man

Here is a special little treasure that I picked up this summer at an estate sale.
When I chucked this little guy into my bag I didn't realize what a special one he was though.  He was in a ziploc baggie that was stapled shut and in my xmas grabbing frenzy I just saw an old snowman and threw him in the bag.

He's about 4 inches tall, missing the top of his hat and I think he had a nose at one time.
He is spun cotton over excelsior.
He has cotton pipe cleaner arms and scarf with paper eyes and buttons.
I'm going to try and research and find out what his nose was originally and then restore it if possible.  Or not.

He is loaded with personality just the way he is.


  1. he is cute! i have one at home kind of similar that has a red nose. i can't think of what it is made of right now.

  2. Poor little guy. Good save.
    I would guess one of those tiny holly berry noses....

  3. I have three of that exact same snowman. They came in 3 sizes. So cute! Yes, his nose is a red holly berry.
    Congrats on your cover of Romantic Homes! I bought the magazine just for how beautiful the cover is! Well...also all the great stuff inside! ha!
    Erica :)


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